About Us

Solution-Based Strategies, Marketing, & Coaching

Our Mission: Empowering Small Businesses

At Successful Marketing Group, led by Glory Ramsey, our mission is clear: to empower small businesses to achieve their full potential through effective and innovative marketing strategies. We believe that every business, no matter its size, deserves the opportunity to thrive. We are dedicated to providing the tools, insights, and support that our clients need to succeed in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Glory Ramsey, consultant, speaker, futurist

From Passion to Purpose: Our Journey of Innovation

The Story of Successful Marketing Group

After working with thousands of small business owners for 3 years at AT&T and yellowpages.com in the Los Angeles area, the move back to Minneapolis, was lead by a passionate vision. It was a vision of a marketing company that would not only understand the unique needs of small businesses but also champion their growth and the owners' determination. This vision came to life in 2010 when our founder, Glory Ramsey, decided to leverage her extensive 30+ years of experience in marketing and business development to create a company that would stand out in a crowded marketplace heavy with limitations and personal gain.

A Journey Fueled by Passion and Innovation

From the very beginning, Successful Marketing Group was built on a foundation of passion, innovation, and a relentless commitment to client success. Our founder, driven by a deep understanding of the challenges faced by small businesses, set out to create a marketing agency that would offer personalized, results-driven solutions. With a small but dedicated team, we began our journey, helping local businesses navigate the complex world of branding and online marketing.

Growing with Our Clients

As our clients grew, so did we. Our early successes were a testament to our unique approach: combining cutting-edge marketing strategies with a personal touch. We understood that every business is different, and we tailored our services to meet the specific needs of each client. This client-centric approach quickly earned us a reputation for excellence and reliability.

The Journey Started Early

Glory's path to becoming a marketing visionary began with a passion for helping others. She started as a medical assistant at women's clinic, providing support to women during their most vulnerable moments. Later, as a chiropractic assistant, Glory quickly moved through the ranks.

Her journey continued with pre-med courses, recruited as a Chiropractic Consultant, and the opening of her multi-disciplinary holistic clinic, the first in the DFW area. Glory's expertise led her to create a multi-disciplinary clinic for a chiropractor in Illinois and publish the first Free Holistic Health magazine & directory to expand awareness and market practitioners in Chicago and Minneapolis.

These diverse experiences in the medical and holistic health fields, combined with her drive to help others succeed, led to expanded opportunities.

Marketing Organic Food to MRIs to Elite Grocers

created and implemented never-before-done, national marketing/consumer education campaigns for organic food manufacturers (General Mills, Stonyfield, Burts Bees, Clif Bars, etc) and over 600 main-stream grocery stores (Kroger, Albertsons, Hannafords, Publix, etc) from Alaska to Florida. Her innovative strategies led to generating over $2M in organic food sales in just a few weeks, at a time when organic products were still finding their place in the market.

But Glory's passion for marketing extended beyond the corporate world. She worked tirelessly with hospital presidents, vice-presidents, and radiology directors to promote and grow the business of newly installed MRI/CT/PET Scan centers in rural areas across Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Her dedication to her craft was unparalleled.

To breaking sales records for a unique Minnesota Monthly customized marketing magazine for elite grocers across the country.

Looking to the Future

Glory's unique background allowed her to approach marketing with a fresh perspective, focusing on the human element and the importance of building genuine connections with clients and their customers.

As the founder and chief consultant at Successful Marketing Group, Glory draws upon her diverse background to create innovative, impactful marketing strategies that help businesses thrive. Her journey is a testament to her adaptability, passion, and unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others.

As we look to the future, we remain committed to our founding principles. We will continue to innovate, adapt, and grow alongside our clients, always striving to provide the best possible service. Our journey is far from over, and we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead supporting our clients and leveraging technology for the business owner.

Join Us on Our Journey

We invite you to join us on our journey. Whether you are a small business looking to enhance your marketing efforts or a partner seeking a reliable and innovative agency, Successful Marketing Group is here to help. Together, we can achieve great things.

On The Side

Glory's commitment to her clients is unwavering. She works relentlessly every single day to positively change their businesses forever. For Glory, it's not just about marketing; it's about helping her clients reach their personal goals, dominate their categories, and serve more customers than ever before.

When she's not at a computer, Glory finds solace in the great outdoors. An avid photographer and fitness enthusiast, she cherishes moments spent capturing the beauty of nature and pushing her limits in events like the Tough Mudder. But above all, Glory's greatest joys lie in conversations with her daughter and spending time with her friends.

Successful Marketing Group is a different type of Marketing Team…

our biggest aim is supporting you in fulfilling YOUR business goals and your personal goals. So we listen and put together a marketing system using Google, telling your story, creating a 5 Star Reputation, getting you more business and checking off your personal goals! We work with you, helping you make your dreams a reality.

Marketing Strategies

Marketing Automation Platform

Custom AI Chatbots & GPT Creations

Business Coaching / Consulting

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